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In a time of division, we are still our brother's keeper.


Crazy times we are living in, huh? Everywhere you turn there is something going wrong, a fight being fought, an argument to be won. I cannot remember a day this whole year where I turned on the news or got on instagram and didn't see a forest burning down, a person being shot, cities being burned, or a lengthy debate over whether you are going to vote red or blue this election. I'm weary. And i think most of the world is too.

The craziest thing happened to me this week. As some of you may know, I am taking this whole year to study the Bible at the Kanakuk Institute in Branson, Missouri. We have been making our way through the Bible and this week we landed in the Prophets. Now if you are anything like me, i barely know how to spell prophet. You think I know anything about the 17 prophetical books in scripture? You have got to be kidding me!!!

But turns out, the Prophets are not that hard to understand if you put them in the right context. The Lord sent prophets to the people of Israel and Judah to tell them to repent of their sin and to turn back to the Lord. Some of them take place before Israel goes into exile, some written during exile, and others written when they return back to their land.

Here is where i found myself in the book of Obadiah. Like literally what? Did not know this book even existed in scripture but believe me, it is pure gold. And is so incredibly relevant for our ears today.

Obadiah is written by the prophet Obadiah during the pre-exilic period. (before judah gets sent away from home) And he does not come with the best news. He is writing this short little book to the people of Edom, who were the descendants of Esau. He is basically telling them "Tough luck, the wrath of God is against you because you not only watched my people get killed, but you did nothing to help them and even went against them." Basically, the people of Edom saw the people of God being slaughtered and because they found security in their "lofty dwelling places" and their good standing in the world, they thought that going against the people of God would not be that big of a deal.

The Lord destroyed them because of it.

OH the implications this has for us today.

The people of Edom found too much pride and security in who they were and what they stood for. So much so that they allowed an entire nation to be killed.

But why did God decide to punish the Edomites? Are they really suppose to take care of God's people? What does this mean for us today? What is the role of believers in loving those around us and fighting for those who may need it?

Here is what I know and will stand in.

So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

My dear brothers and sisters,

take note of this: Everyone should be

quick to listen,

slow to speak,

slow to become angry.

James 1:19

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God

with all your heart and with all your

soul and with all your mind.’

This is the first and greatest

commandment. And the second

is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Matthew 22:37-39

I think the Edomites were probably asking the same thing that Cain asked God in Genesis 4 and probably the same question that we as believers have to wrestle with in times of division and conflict:

Am i really my brother's keeper?

Well lets review.

Is that far left or far right coworker an image bearer of Christ?

If yes, you are your brother's keeper.

Is that muslim, jewish, hindu, athiest etc. barista created in the image of God?

If yes, you are your brother's keeper.

Were both police and black people, along with every other human, breathed into life by the mouth of God?

If yes, our job as believers is to be our brother's keeper.

Because here is the thing. The Edomites didn't fight for Judah and both were destroyed because of it. Edom found their security in their nice houses, their wealth, and their place in culture and because of that found their security in things that are perishable and watched and went against God people because they felt like they could.

My fellow Jesus follower, i beg you, please read and take to heart the word of Obadiah.

Where is our security found, believer?

It isn't in the White house. It isn't in a red or blue ballot. It isn't in our bank account or job. It isn't in our police force. It isn't in a social justice movement. It isn't in our friendships, relationships, a nice house or a nice car.


Edom found their security in themselves and it was their downfall, morally and politically.

Because of that pride, they were content with not stepping in to fight for fellow image bearers.

May that never be us, Church.

In a country where everything is divided, our mission is still pretty clear. Love God. Find your security in Him. And out of that security, love people. Fight for people. Engage people. Be FOR people. And as far as it is up to you, live at peace with all men.

(notice all people, not just our holy Christian huddles)

Church, let's not be like Edom. Every single person you see bears the image of God. Every single one. And because of THAT, they have infinite value know matter the color of their skin, the person they voted for, or how much money they have in their bank account.

What would it look like if the Church decided to truly be there brother's keeper? To love their neighbor? To love their enemies as themself?

It would look like Jesus.

And isn't that the goal?

Lord, let us fight for unity and strive for peace. Let us engage, facilitate, and pursue hard conversations and hard people because you desire to know and love them, and because you do, we do too. Humble us, help us, heal us. Strip us of any thing besides you that we have our security in and show us what it looks like to be for other people and love them well, despite who they are. Help us to be like you. That is what we need.

Act justly.

Love mercy.

Walk humbly

Be quick to listen.

Be slow to speak.

Be slow to become angry.

Love, cherish, protect, and pursue your fellow image bearers.

Be the Church, be your brother's keeper.

Our world so desperately needs it.

You are the people of God; he loved you and chose you for his own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you. And to all these qualities add love, which binds all things together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:12-14

We love you, Jesus. Help us to love you better.




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